My sampler "A Maryland Inspiration" is back from the framer and I am in the process of taking a picture for the chart cover. I've gotten some wonderful information from several designers about marketing and am going to be contacting distributors in the near future. It is a lot more involved than I ever anticipated. I want things to be as perfect as possible before I release the design. I've purchased the bags that the charts will go in -- they are called "Clear Bags" and were recommended very highly by a fellow designer. I'm putting the finishing touches on the chart and instructions and am just about ready.
Besides stitching and designing, I am the Vice President of my local needlework guild -- The Delaware Valley Historic Sampler Guild (DVHSG). One of my duties is to schedule programs for each month's meeting. I was the teacher at our last meeting, and I use the term "teacher" very loosely. I am a consumate cut-up and am not always very structured, but everyone enjoyed the project and had something to take home with them at the end of the meeting. My teaching piece was a strawberry shaped pincushion with a wrapped spider web top. I will take a picture and post it later. It turned out very well -- was a shabby chic style and fun to put together.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day. I went to dinner with my daughter, sister and my sister's Mother-in-law and a friend. We had a lovely time and the food was great. As soon as I got home I took out my stitching and got busy. I have about 2 day's worth of work to finish "Thistle House" and then I will devote all my time to finishing "Cottage By The Sea".
Next weekend I will be attending a by-yearly DVHSG stitching retreat in Ocean City, Maryland. I look forward to it every six months -- always a lot of fun and great to get together with the members of the guild and get to know them better. I don't get a lot of stitching accomplished but wouldn't miss it for the world!
Well, let me get back to my stitching. Hope you like the new design.
Yours in stitches,