Wednesday, December 26, 2012

          Well, it looks as though another year is about to have come and gone.  I hope everyone had a beautiful and blessed Christmas and, now, it is on to the New Year!  Happy New Year to you all!
          I've been busy at the old drawing board (or should I say, computer), designing some new things, redesigning some old things and, of course, always stitching in between.  Here is a digital rendering of one of my new designs.  I hope you like it.  It is called "Willow Flower".

I haven't started to stitch it yet, as I have several things that are taking priority right now.  I can't wait to start it, though.  Here is a redo on an older design, which I've renamed "Belsnickle's Journey". 

The original one was square and, I felt, had too many trees.  I've narrowed and elongated the design and I like it much better.  What do you think?  This is another I have to stitch.
          On another note, I would like your thoughts on purchasing digital rendered charts.  Several designers do release charts that have not been stitched but are digital renderings of the design on the cover.  Do you prefer a stitched sample or digital, or both?  Your response would be greatly appreciated.

          Well, again, Happy New Year!  May it be the best one for all!
Yours in stitches,


  1. I I love you Willow Flower design!

  2. I love both of your designs pictured but I prefer stitched pictures. It gives a better sense of what it will look like.

  3. I haven't stitched from "rendered" chart - but it would be fun to give it a try! Not sure if I'd like it better or at least as much until I gave it a try!

  4. Hi Theresa

    Count me in as one who wants a photo of the stitched piece. Shop owners and stitchers have told me the same.

  5. Love the 2 new designs and am waiting rather impatiently for the Brandywine sampler to be released! You are so talented!! Laura

  6. I love, love, love your patterns. I can generally "see" the outcome with a digital picture, but I have been know to pass up a pattern done that way and then see it stitched and "have to have it."

    I am also impatiently waiting for the Brandywine Sampler to be available as well as Belsnickle's Journey (which I like both vesions of) and (]I don't need a stitched piece photo for either one! :-)

    Happy New Year!!!
