I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I don't know where the time goes -- but as I get older it seems to be picking up speed at a frantic pace!
I'm almost ashamed to admit that it has been May since I last posted -- OMG, you must have thought I fell off the face of the earth! Actually I have been very busy stitching my designs so that I could assemble a decent portfolio before contacting a distributor to market my designs. I finished stitching "Cottage by the Sea" and it is presently at the framer's. She did send me a picture of the mats and frames so that I could pick out what I liked best. I just wanted a plain black frame with a double mat of green and dark pink -- it picks up the colors of the sampler just perfectly. Here is the picture of what the framer sent me. I will post a picture of the completed piece once I get it back.
Also, I have finished stitching the Thistle House sampler, the Dianthus Sampler and, believe it or not, have also finished and assembled the needlework set that goes with the Cottage by the Sea sampler. It turned out better than even I expected! I will post pictures of everything shortly.
Hope you like the sampler.
Yours in stitches,
Friday, November 25, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
New Design -- Cottage By The Sea

My sampler "A Maryland Inspiration" is back from the framer and I am in the process of taking a picture for the chart cover. I've gotten some wonderful information from several designers about marketing and am going to be contacting distributors in the near future. It is a lot more involved than I ever anticipated. I want things to be as perfect as possible before I release the design. I've purchased the bags that the charts will go in -- they are called "Clear Bags" and were recommended very highly by a fellow designer. I'm putting the finishing touches on the chart and instructions and am just about ready.
Besides stitching and designing, I am the Vice President of my local needlework guild -- The Delaware Valley Historic Sampler Guild (DVHSG). One of my duties is to schedule programs for each month's meeting. I was the teacher at our last meeting, and I use the term "teacher" very loosely. I am a consumate cut-up and am not always very structured, but everyone enjoyed the project and had something to take home with them at the end of the meeting. My teaching piece was a strawberry shaped pincushion with a wrapped spider web top. I will take a picture and post it later. It turned out very well -- was a shabby chic style and fun to put together.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day. I went to dinner with my daughter, sister and my sister's Mother-in-law and a friend. We had a lovely time and the food was great. As soon as I got home I took out my stitching and got busy. I have about 2 day's worth of work to finish "Thistle House" and then I will devote all my time to finishing "Cottage By The Sea".
Next weekend I will be attending a by-yearly DVHSG stitching retreat in Ocean City, Maryland. I look forward to it every six months -- always a lot of fun and great to get together with the members of the guild and get to know them better. I don't get a lot of stitching accomplished but wouldn't miss it for the world!
Well, let me get back to my stitching. Hope you like the new design.
Yours in stitches,
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Thistle House progress pictures ...
Hello everyone. Several day's ago I said I would post pictures of my progress on Thistle House and, as usual, I am a day late and a dollar short! Believe it or not, I tried to post pictures yesterday but was unable to upload anything in the post -- I'd click on the insert image icon and -- duh! -- nothing. I was so exasperated but kept trying and today I figured out that if I changed back to the old blogger posting program, I could upload the pictures! Go figure ... At any rate, here are the progress pictures, plus the updated digital rendering of the design. The first digital rendering pictured is the one I had posted back in December when I first created this blog. It has changed a lot since then. As I said before, I'm probably going to be my own model stitcher for quite a while, as I always change things along the way. Hope you like the design ... it's moving along quite well ... 

Yours in stitches,
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
At the Framer's
I've been MIA lately, but have good news. I was waiting to get my "A Maryland Inspiration" framed before I release the chart, as I wanted to get a good picture of it for the cover page. I took my sampler to a very knowledgeable needleworker/shop owner, who mounts the work the old fashioned way -- by lacing. I know I am being a bit AR, but this design is so important to me, I wanted it to be done right and did not mind the 100 mile round trip to take it to her. I picked out the frame -- not an easy task -- and am happy with my choice. Don't even ask about the cost! I don't know how I was able to breathe when I saw the final figure. I think I just might have to start looking for ready made frames and design samplers to fit in them. It was the cost of the frame that drove the price up substantially. At any rate, the sampler is my baby, and I wanted it to have the best!
Lately, I've been working on "Thistle House". I don't think I will ever be able to have a model stitcher, as I make changes to the design as I stitch. It is one thing to see a computer generated rendering, but it is in the stitching, with actual threads, on the linen, that really makes the difference. I'll post a picture of my progress tomorrow when I have better light. It has been raining and gloomy today, but I did get some things done and am happy for that, especially picking the frame. I can't wait to see it framed so I can get the picture for the chart and get the charts on the market.
Have a great evening. I'm going to start stitching as soon as I get off the computer ...
Lately, I've been working on "Thistle House". I don't think I will ever be able to have a model stitcher, as I make changes to the design as I stitch. It is one thing to see a computer generated rendering, but it is in the stitching, with actual threads, on the linen, that really makes the difference. I'll post a picture of my progress tomorrow when I have better light. It has been raining and gloomy today, but I did get some things done and am happy for that, especially picking the frame. I can't wait to see it framed so I can get the picture for the chart and get the charts on the market.
Have a great evening. I'm going to start stitching as soon as I get off the computer ...
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
As promised, Mary Sophia's Pennsylvania German Sewing Set!
Hello everyone,
Here is Mary Sophia's Pennsylvania German Sewing Set (named for my mother). It is the piece I designed to go in the miniature blanket chest I had made for me. The original blanket chest was found while doing research on line and, although it is available for sale, $2,500 was a bit out of my range. Oh well, as the saying goes, "Necessity is the mother of invention", I found a woodworker who managed to capture the feel of the original in his reproduction. My chest has a lift out tray, where the original had a till, but I find that the tray will be more useful for my needs, especially since I designed something to line the bottom of the tray.
Okay, enough suspense, here are pictures of Mary Sophia's beautiful sewing set.
The set consists of 2 stacking biscournu pincushions, a ruler (measures 3"), needle book that contains a very small, but sharp, Bohin scissors, with attached fob, needle pages for 24,26,28 & miscellaneous needles, and an attached mattress style pincushion. I designed the needle book this way so you can take it with you and it would have everything you needed to stitch, without taking the whole kit and caboodle in the chest. The next item is a scissors sheath which holds a Gingher embroidery scissors, with attached fob, and, last of all, since no blanket chest would be complete without a quilt, there is the "quilt"! It doubles as a floss/tool holder, and rolls up and is tied with dyed-to-match silk ribbons. It is missing it's floss rings, I need to order them, but I did not want to wait to show you the design until they are delivered and attached. They will be the mother of pearl ones.
I hope you like it. Now if I can only figure out how I plan to market it. I'd love to know what you think.
Yours in stitches,
Here is Mary Sophia's Pennsylvania German Sewing Set (named for my mother). It is the piece I designed to go in the miniature blanket chest I had made for me. The original blanket chest was found while doing research on line and, although it is available for sale, $2,500 was a bit out of my range. Oh well, as the saying goes, "Necessity is the mother of invention", I found a woodworker who managed to capture the feel of the original in his reproduction. My chest has a lift out tray, where the original had a till, but I find that the tray will be more useful for my needs, especially since I designed something to line the bottom of the tray.
Okay, enough suspense, here are pictures of Mary Sophia's beautiful sewing set.
The set consists of 2 stacking biscournu pincushions, a ruler (measures 3"), needle book that contains a very small, but sharp, Bohin scissors, with attached fob, needle pages for 24,26,28 & miscellaneous needles, and an attached mattress style pincushion. I designed the needle book this way so you can take it with you and it would have everything you needed to stitch, without taking the whole kit and caboodle in the chest. The next item is a scissors sheath which holds a Gingher embroidery scissors, with attached fob, and, last of all, since no blanket chest would be complete without a quilt, there is the "quilt"! It doubles as a floss/tool holder, and rolls up and is tied with dyed-to-match silk ribbons. It is missing it's floss rings, I need to order them, but I did not want to wait to show you the design until they are delivered and attached. They will be the mother of pearl ones.
I hope you like it. Now if I can only figure out how I plan to market it. I'd love to know what you think.
Yours in stitches,
Monday, February 14, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Thank you ...
I would like to thank everyone for their kind comments and interest regarding my designs and the people who've provided links to my blog. It means so much to me, especially since I am just getting started. I have a lot of ideas and am busily finishing my latest model. I will post pictures as soon as it is completed. It is going to go in the the miniature blanket chest I had made for me. You won't have to have a blanket chest of your own to do the design, but I just wanted a place to store all the pieces.
Thanks again and stay tuned, I'm just getting started!
Thanks again and stay tuned, I'm just getting started!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Purchase of the Regal Bee
Yes, The Regal Bee is available for purchase. I have it charted, with stitching instructions and resources for the shaker box. I did assemble and finish this design myself but, since I am not a professional finisher, I did not include finishing instructions with the chart. If you would like, I can recommend some finishers. Actually, all of you could probably recommend some to me!
The chart can be sent in two ways:
PDF File -- which you will print yourself for $15.00
Hard Copy -- which will be sent to your address for $20.00 plus postage. I can accept Paypal, personal check or money order. Please contact me directly at my email address -- OESLUVR@aol.com to let me know if you are interested.
BTW, OESLUVR stands for Old English Sheepdog Lover Here is a picture of my beloved, but now deceased, Chauncey -- he was such a clown -- sniffing the daffodils!
Yes, The Regal Bee is available for purchase. I have it charted, with stitching instructions and resources for the shaker box. I did assemble and finish this design myself but, since I am not a professional finisher, I did not include finishing instructions with the chart. If you would like, I can recommend some finishers. Actually, all of you could probably recommend some to me!
The chart can be sent in two ways:
PDF File -- which you will print yourself for $15.00
Hard Copy -- which will be sent to your address for $20.00 plus postage. I can accept Paypal, personal check or money order. Please contact me directly at my email address -- OESLUVR@aol.com to let me know if you are interested.
BTW, OESLUVR stands for Old English Sheepdog Lover Here is a picture of my beloved, but now deceased, Chauncey -- he was such a clown -- sniffing the daffodils!
Yours in stitches,
Saturday, January 8, 2011
The Regal Bee
I've had so much interest expressed in my Regal Bee design, I thought I'd post some pictures of the design pieces.
I hope this helps you see the design better. The box was made by William Richardson of Suffolk Shaker Shops. His work has been featured in Early American Living and is also sold in the better gift shops in Williamsburg, VA.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to write and I will get back to you with an answer as soon as possible. Thanks.
I hope this helps you see the design better. The box was made by William Richardson of Suffolk Shaker Shops. His work has been featured in Early American Living and is also sold in the better gift shops in Williamsburg, VA.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to write and I will get back to you with an answer as soon as possible. Thanks.
Friday, January 7, 2011
A Maryland Inspiration
Well, I finally got my camera up and running -- not my old camera -- had to buy a new one! Now I have to figure out how to take decent pictures with it. As I promised, here is a picture of my stitched design "A Maryland Inspiration".
Well, I finally got my camera up and running -- not my old camera -- had to buy a new one! Now I have to figure out how to take decent pictures with it. As I promised, here is a picture of my stitched design "A Maryland Inspiration".
And here is a close up of the cartouche detail.
Now I have to take it to the framer and select an appropriate frame. I am not going to mat it -- even though it is stitched on 40 ct. linen, it is already a large sampler (21" square).
The linen I used is 40 ct. Lakeside "Vintage" Light Examplar, with a combination of Belle Soie, HDF and GAST fibers. Stitches used are cross, over one, satin, Smyrna Cross, Eyelet, Closed Herringbone and Queen Stitch. Well, I hope you like it and will want to purchase it when I have the charts printed. Please leave comments so I will know if this is something you like or have suggestions. Thanks so much.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
An older design that needs to be finished ...
I had a pleasant comment from an old stitching friend, Chris, and it reminded me of a piece I am designing that has been put on the back burner for a while. She remembered it because of the bullion stitches. I thought I'd post a picture of it so you can see what she remembered ... The hair is done in bullion stitches using a very small needle so there are a lot of "curls". I am toying around with a name -- since it is based on Pennsylvania German Fraktur, I thought I'd call it a "Fraktured Huswif" (just kidding). I haven't really settled on a name yet.
As you can see by the date (2006) it has been quite a while since I've worked on this design. It is going to be a huswif, with accompanying smalls and a beautiful tiger maple, minature blanket chest to hold it all in.
I'll post update pictures as I continue with this design and others I am working on. Thanks again, Chris, for reminding me of this long neglected design.
As you can see by the date (2006) it has been quite a while since I've worked on this design. It is going to be a huswif, with accompanying smalls and a beautiful tiger maple, minature blanket chest to hold it all in.
I'll post update pictures as I continue with this design and others I am working on. Thanks again, Chris, for reminding me of this long neglected design.
A Needlework Casket to beat all Caskets!
I am so addicted to needlework sets and needlework caskets. I found this one on line and, as the caption states, it is the mother of all needlework caskets.
I must admit, this design is a little/lot out of my league -- I'm still working on the Mary Beale casket! But, I do, as I said, love a needlework casket. So, I found someone to make a primitive miniature blanket chest and am presently working on the design that will go inside. I'll post pictures when it is complete, but here is a picture of the blanket chest.
It has a lift out tray inside which will have a design embroidered for it. The smalls are almost complete. I can't wait to finish it and post the pictures. I think you will really like the design.
Yours in stitches,
It has a lift out tray inside which will have a design embroidered for it. The smalls are almost complete. I can't wait to finish it and post the pictures. I think you will really like the design.
Yours in stitches,
Monday, January 3, 2011
Working on my logo ...
I designed my logo about two months ago and am busily stitching away on it. I need to get a new camera so I can post pictures of the actual work. I'm stitching it on 40 ct. Vintage Maritime White by Lakeside Linens, using HDF silks. I had a great time designing the alphabet. I started with an H from Eileen Bennett's monogram book, but then I changed it quite a bit -- there were no lower case letters to go with the capitals so I had to design my own. I like the results and hope you do to.
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